RESTish Integration
The auth-cli can integrate with another cli tool called Restish. Restish is a general purpose tool for issuing rest-based api calls from the command line and it can be useed to call auth api endpoints.
The auth-cli restish command acts as a passthrough to restish, that uses your existing auth-cli access_token and environment for example the following two commands are equivalent. By calling restish through auth-cli the a-ci enviroment variable wasn’t needed:
npm run test
restish a-ci tenant-client-controller-find 1
auth-cli restish tenant-client-controller 1
To setup and use Restish please refer to the Restish Notes
Restish Notes:
Install Restish
On Mac you can use Homebrew
Add the tap
brew tap danielgtaylor/restish
Install the executable
brew install restish
A .restish folder is created in your <HOME> directory
The api endpoint can be found at either a url or a local file path.
To reference and use a local copy, copy the openaip.json to
Create a local environment config file
The path of the configuration file is _
Multiple environments can be described in this file.
Configuration files can also be created from the command line ex:
restish api configure stage
would create a configuration create a config for a ‘stage’ environment
Here is a apis.json Config file for local and a-ci environments:
The spec_file setting in apis.json is the location of the open json file.
{ "local": { "base": "http://localhost:7000/_api", "spec_files": ["/Users/someuser/ls-openapi.json"], "profiles": { "default": { "auth": { "name": "oauth-authorization-code", "params": { "audience": "http://localhost:7000/_api/auth/ls", "authorize_url": "http://localhost:7000/_api/auth/ls/authorize", "client_id": "auth-ui", "scopes": "openid profile email", "token_url": "http://localhost:7000/_api/auth/ls/oidc/token" } } } } }, "a-ci": { "base": "", "spec_files": [""], "profiles": { "default": { "auth": { "name": "oauth-authorization-code", "params": { "audience": "", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "auth-ui", "scopes": "openid profile email", "token_url": "" } } } } } }
Creating endpoint aliases
The OpenAPI specification allows for alias names for api endpoints. These alias names can be set up in auth by adding the alias to the decorator of the controller method. Then, when the api json is generated the aliases will be available.
ex in user.controller.ts in auth:
@get('/auth/admin/tenants/{tenantId}/users', { 'x-cli-aliases': "users-list", responses: { 200: { description: 'Array of Users model instances', ... })
The alias will now be in the openapi.json
"get": { "x-controller-name": "UserController", "x-operation-name": "find", "tags": [ "Users" ], "x-cli-aliases": [ "users-list" ], ...
Creating a shell alias
Restish wants to be called from the ~/.restish directory. In order to avoid the need to cd to this directory, it is convient to create an alias. This can be done in your ~/.zshrc file if you are using zsh or in ~/.bashrc if you are using a bash shell.
in your file, add the following function and alias:
restish_call () { pushd ~/.restish; restish $@; popd } alias restish="restish_call"
Restish auth-cli integration
The auth-cli api-method is a pass through to restish that sets the environment and can use the auth-cli access-token.
ex restish a-ci users-list 1
is equivalent to auth-cli restish users-list 1
when working in tha a-ci environment
Get a list of api endpoints
restish a-ci list
List all users in a-ci for tenant 1 using the http verb and the url (leaving off the base url)
restish a-ci get auth/admin/tenants/1/users
List all users in a-ci for tenant 1 using the endpoint name - user-controller-find
restish a-ci user-controller-find 1
List all users in a-ci for tenant 1 using the alias name
restish a-ci users-list 1
List all users in a-ci for tenant 1 and only display the username and email
restish a-ci user-controller-find 1 -f "body[].{username,email}"
List all users in a-ci output as yml
restish a-ci user-controller-find 1 -o yml
Get help on a command ex the send email command
restish a-ci email-controller-send-email --help
Post data by piping json into the command ex to send an email
echo '{"from":"", "to":[""], "subject":"Restish is Great", "html":"Wow"}' | restish a-ci email-controller-send-email 1`
Post data entire with single quotes around entire post body and using restish shorthand syntax (use this when there is an array in the post data)
restish a-ci email-controller-send-email 1 'from:, subject: Restish is Great, html: Wow, to[]:'
Post data by using the restish shorthand syntax and individualy quoted fields
restish a-ci user-controller-create-user 1 username:'jtest', email:'', familyName:'test', givenName:'joe'
Filter data using JMES path sytnatx
restish a-ci user-controller-find 1 -f "body[?username=='jtest'].{username,email}"