Login Event Fields

Fields Description Example
Event Type The type of event at-created
Client Name The name of the client application generating this event Auth UI
Provider Name The identity provider name Azure-OIDC
Create On The date of creation for this login event 2021-01-07T20:10:59.000Z
Email The user’s email that generated this login event my@email.org
Company The company’s name NIH
Department The department within the company NCATS

List of Event Log Types

Below are the login event types supported by LabShare Auth:

export enum LOGIN_EVENT_TYPE {
  LOGIN = 'login',
  FAILED_LOGIN = 'failed-login',
  ACCESS_DENIED = 'access_denied',
  LOGOUT = 'logout',
  FAILED_LOGOUT = 'failed-logout',
  ACCESS_TOKEN_CREATED = 'at-created',
  CLIENT_CRED_TOKEN_CREATED = 'cct-created',
  REFRESH_TOKEN_CREATED = 'rt-created',
  REFRESH_TOKEN_CONSUMED = 'rt-consumed',
  TOTP_VALIDATED = 'totp-validated',
  TOTP_CREATED = 'totp-created',
  TOTP_FAILED = 'totp-failed',
  TOTP_TRUSTED_DEVICE_CREATED = 'totp-trusted-device-created',
  TOTP_SUSPENDED = 'totp-suspended'